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Kill! Kill! Kill!
Sacred Cows, The - From the "Groovy Guru" episode (01/13/68)of TV spy spoof "Get Smart." This drummerless "rock" trio were part of the Groovy Guru's (Larry Storch) evil plot to cause the youth of America to run wild, looting and killing. Sample lyrics: "Thrill, thrill, thrill. Kill, kill, kill." Works for me! The "Sacred Cows" were session musicians (l-r) Jerry Scheff (bass) John Greek (guitar) & Ben Benay (guitar) They played the band and recorded the music. Jon Greek also recorded with real band The Beautiful Daze; played guitar on The Seeds' 45 "Wind Blows Your Hair;" and played on four cuts on the Uni Lollipop Shoppe LP. (Thanks to Pete (mondoprune) for the graphic.)

Sacrifice - From the movie The Gate (1987)? Sorry, they're real.

St. Claire, Jacques - From the movie That Thing You Do (1996). Thanks to Peter Ledebur for this one.

St. DuBois, Lorenzo - From the movie The Producers (1968). Thanks to James Heineman for this one.

Salami - From Soul Music (novel by Terry Pratchett), 1995.

Salini - From the TV show Mr. Show (11/07/97).

San Diego Five String Mob, The - From Showcase (issues #68, 69 and 71) (comic book, written by E. Nelson Bridwell, drawn by Mike Sekowsky), 196?. Thanks to Richard Bensam for this one.

Sanctified - From the TV cartoon South Park (10/29/03). Thanks to Charles Rempel for this one.

Sand Wailers, The - From the TV cartoon Courage, The Cowardly Dog (11/09/01). A ten-piece, all-accordion, all-whale concert ensemble featured in the "The Sand Whale Strikes" episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog. C'mon! You know!? Sand whales? Hello?! Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Sandy Bottom Orchestra, The - From the TV movie Sandy Bottom Orchestra, The (2000).

Santa Klaws - From the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 (12/24/93).

Sashay - Amy Hunter guest stars as this R & B diva in the "We Don't Need Another Hero" episode (4/21/1996) of the WB series The Parent Hood. Cast regular Zaria Peterson (Reagan Gomez-Preston) and her friends are picked to appear in a Sashay music video, but her dad, Robert (Robert Townsend) forbids her on the grounds the videos are offensive. Fanstruck Zaria, in true sitcom fashion, sneaks out to be in the video, with the help of her aspiring musician older brother, who hopes to give Sashay his tape. But after Zaria sees the skimpy outfit she'll have to wear in the video, she gets cold feet and her brother sacrifices his chance to make it big defending her. Sashay's hit song is "I Got Plenty of Booty (Boo-tay)" Thanks to Galen for this one.

Satan's Answering Machine - From the TV show Saturday Night Live (10/25/97). Local goth band from the "Goth Talk" sketch, a Tampa local cable access show of the same name. Baron Nocturna (Will Ferrell), the band's lead singer, is their guest. See also The Grim Reaper.

Satan's Night Out - From The Vampire Lestat (novel by Anne Rice), 1985. Thanks to severen for this one.

Satan's Penis - Contestants in the battle of the bands in the "That Thing You Don't" (11/26/97) episode of the The Drew Carey Show. They are never actually shown playing and are all attired in full 40's retro swing gear- zoot suits with the reet pleat. Presumably they were one of the many jump blues/swing revival bands of the mid 90's. See also The Horndogs, The Underprivileged, The Unreliables

Satanica - See Kovenant

Satchelmouth - From Soul Music (novel by Terry Pratchett), 1995.

Satine - From the movie Moulin Rouge! (2001). Thanks to Chris Boznos for this one.

Saturn 5, The - From the movie That Thing You Do (1996).

Sausalito - From the movie Lost In Translation (2003). Hotel lounge act/cover band trio in this Sophia Coppola directed movie starring Bill Murray. Look for their hilariously over the top version of Simon & Garfunkel's "Scarborough Fair." The female lead singer has a quickie one-night affair with Bill Murray's character. Her shower rendition of "Midnight at the Oasis" after their lovemakin' romp alerts Charlotte's character to the sordid bizniz and ticks her off royally. Band played by Catherine Lambert (singer), François du Bois (piano), and Tim Leffman (guitar).Thanks to Charles Rempel for this one.

Savage Beauties, The - From I am a Singer (CD ROM by Megan Heywood), 1997.

Savages, The - In the "Extracurricular Activities" episode (1990-91) of the Canadian coming-of-age teen drama, Degrassi High, Bronco Davis (L. Dean Ifill) lets leak to girlfriend Lucy Fernandez (Anais Granofsky) that this rock band is coming to the school to shoot a music video. She blabs the secret to some gal pals and they sneak in to see the band, even if it means getting her boyfriend in trouble. Supposedly one of the band members is a Degrassi alum, which is why they're shooting there. Thanks to The Confused Muse for this one. (See also Gourmet Scum, The Zits)

Savante - African American rap/R&B singer (Phil Lamarr) from at least three Mad TV sketches. In the first, "The R&B Meeting" (02/01/97) he meets with clueless execs to choose a song for a benefit album for sick kids, but all his songs are filthy sex fantasies. They go with "Suck My Freak." In "Savante: Career Day" (01/31/98) he sings dirty songs at second graders for career day. And in "Savante with Usher" (09/12/98), he and guest star/real hip hopper Usher contribute songs to a Disney film. See also Defcon One, Dr. Dazzle, The Erascists, Hoppy Potty, Darlene McBride, Michael McLoud and Jasmine Wayne-Wayne, Shaunda, Little Hassan Taylor, Willow.

Scäb - A two-man alternately hard rock, metal, and New Wave-y band originally featured in the "Director's Cut" episode (09/02/01) of animated show Home Movies. Third grader & film auteur Brendon Small (voiced by Brendon Small) is hired by long haired guitarist Dwayne (also voiced by Brendon Small) to film his Queen-esque rock opera based on Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis." Brendon would rather work on his project, Louis Louis, a fictional meeting of Louis Braille and Louis Pasteur. But none of Brendon's friends, who, more importantly, double as his crew, are interested, so he grudgingly makes the rock opera. Dwayne and his band occasionally appear in other episodes to contribute music to Brendon's latest project. Home Movies originally aired on UPN for a handful of episodes (Apr.- May 1999) before cancellation and a second life on the Cartoon Network. Thanks to Karl Mamer and Alan for this one!

Scab Inferno - From the TV series Love Monkey (2006). Band that major label A&R man Tom Farrell (Tom Cavanagh) signed.

Schiffer, Stephanie - From the TV show Friends (11/02/95). Thanks to Galen Black for this one.

School of Rock - From the movie School of Rock (2003).

Schroeder - The Beethoven-loving, child prodigy classical pianist from the comic strip Peanuts, and the many dozens of animated Peanuts TV specials. He first appeared in the strip as a baby on May 30, 1951. His first TV appearance was in the Peanuts' first, and now classic, TV animated special, A Charlie Brown Christmas (12/09/65), where he was voiced by Chris Doran. Schroeder was in charge of the music for the kids' Christmas pageant, but screwed around at rehearsal, playing the now trademark Peanuts song, the jazzy instrumental "Linus and Lucy" (really The Vince Guaraldi Trio), that got all the kids dancing and Snoopy jamming along on bass. He plays amazingly well, especially when you consider that the black keys on his toy piano are just painted on. He frequently had to fend off Lucy Van Pelt, who had a crush on him. The real question is Schroeder his last name or his first name? There is some evidence that it is his last. His other name, first or last, has never been revealed. Thanks to Chris Boznos for this one.

Schweiger, Fraulein - From the film The Sound of Music (1965). I should hope everybody knows that The Von Trapp Family Singers from this classic film are a real act whose story was dramatized in the film. But at the end of the film, there are some fake artists at the competition competing against them, including this one. "Fraulein" just means "Miss" in German, but they didn't give her first name. She won third prize at the Salzberg Festival.

Schweigselber, Adrian - From A Clockwork Orange (novel by Anthony Burgess), 1962.

Scissor Bitch - From the "Teddy Cam" episode (02/03/02) of animated show Baby Blues. Suburban middle class mom Wanda MacPherson (Julia Sweeney) is introduced to the hummable tunes of this band by Johnny (Angel's David Boreanaz), the current disreputable boyfriend of their babysitter Bizzy (MadTV's Nicole Sullivan). Thanks to Alan for this one. See also Darryl and the Chaos, and Roadkill Hoagie.

Scissors - From "Gianni" (short story by Robert Silverberg), 1982.

Scoops, Annibelle - From Annibelle Scoops (Internet Flash cartoon by Keith Thomson), 2002.

Scott, Dixie - From the movie Tender Mercies (1983). Played by Betty Buckely. Country singer wife of recovering alcoholic country singer Mac Sledge. See also The Slater Mill Boys, Mac Sledge. Thanks to Jim Himanga, Miles P. Finley, Mark Lungo for this one.

Scott, Wilhelmina "Willie" - American night club singer in the Shanghai nightclub Club Obi Wan (gratuitous Star Wars reference), played by Kate Capshaw in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), a prequel to first Indiana Jones movie. After she sings "Anything Goes" in Chinese, she callously scrambles after a diamond mixed with ice on the floor of the club instead of the antidote to the poison Indy just got slipped. As a fitting punishment, she spends the rest of the movie getting dragged by Dr. Jones (Harrison Ford) from one treacherous, exotic locale to another. Oh, and screaming.

Scrambled Debutante - From Calvin and Hobbes (comic strip by Bill Watterson), ca. 1986. Thanks to Christine Palma for this one.

Scratch - From the TV show The Sopranos (03/14/99).

Scratch and the Sniffs - From Scratch and the Sniffs (children's book by Chris Lynch), 1997.

Screamer, Jet - High energy rocker from the "A Date With Jet Screamer" episode (09/30/62) of the animated TV show The Jetsons. Daughter Judy (voiced by Jane Waldo) writes a song to enter a contest to win a date with him, but disapproving daddy George (voiced by George O'Hanlon) sabotages her song, swapping it for his younger son Elroy's (voiced by Daws Butler) nonsensical secret code. The wacky code wins the contest, and Jet Screamer sings "Eep Op Ork Ah Ah" to an enthralled Judy, as suspicious George secretly tails them. Howard Morris was the voice of Mr. Screamer.

Scrooge, Ebony - Nasty, unpleasant pop singer played by singer/disgraced former Miss America Vanessa Williams from the 2000 VH1 TV special, A Diva's Christmas Carol, a reworking of Charles Dickens' much reworked "A Christmas Carol" story. She gets visited by the ghost of her former bandmate in Desire, Marli Jacob (Rozonda 'Chilli' Thomas) and gets the standard three ghosts treatment before seeing the light and reforming her ways. A Diva's Christmas Carol

Scumbucket Punks - From the TV cartoon Codename: Kids Next Door (2003?). Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Scum of the Earth - From the song "Scum of the Earth" from the album Songs and Stories (song by Shel Silverstein), 1978. Thanks to Kevin L. Connors for this one.

Scum of the Earth - Self described "hoodlum rock" band from a 1978 episode of the TV show WKRP in Cinncinnati. One member was named "Dog" (Michael Des Barres). Others were Blood (Peter Elbling) and Sir Nigel Weatherbee (Jim Henderson). Their music ("Got Enough Love") was by Michael Des Barres' real band, Detective.

Scum, Raymond - From "The Protest Song" from the album Monty Python Live at City Center (song by Neil Innes), 1976. Thanks to Mark Miller for this one.

Sebastian, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustacius - From the animated film The Little Mermaid (1989). The crab court composer/conductor of King Triton who inadvertantly ends up as Ariel's babysitter and bodyguard. Voiced by Samuel E. Wright.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (I) - In the 1968 animated movie Yellow Submarine, four old fashioned string quartet or brass band or whatever musicians play on a gazebo in Pepperland spreading peace, love and all that bullshit. Then the Blue Meanies attack and it all hits the crapper. The Beatles are immediately called in (of course) to save the day. Forced to impersonate the band, they turn out to be dead ringers for 'em. What are the odds!? Trivia Time! The roles of the Beatles were not voiced by the Beatles. What a freaking ripoff. Paul Angelis did Ringo's voice; John Clive, John; Geoffrey Hughes, Paul; and Peter Batten, George

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (II) - Dear God in heaven. There are bad movies, but 1978's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was a cinematic black hole that marked an end or severe downturn in the careers of almost everyone who appeared in it. In the movie, the original brass band of the title has magical instruments that makes the soldiers lay down their arms to listen and hence ends WWI. Why they then waste them merely entertaining troops in WWII while Europe and Indochina burn and Hitler slaughters six million Jews is quickly glossed over. Anyway, last surviving member, the old Sgt. Pepper himself (Woody Chambliss), finally keels over dead on August 10, 1958. A new version of the band is needed and his grandson, Billy Shears (Peter Frampton) becomes the new Sgt. Pepper and he drafts his three friends, the Henderson brothers, Mark (Barry Gibb), Dave (Robin Gibb), and Bob (Maurice Gibb) to fill out the band. Frampton fronting the BeeGees- it's a 70's nightmare come all too true. The plot, such as it is, leisurely creaks into gear and they all go to Hollywood to become big debauched, drug 'n' booze addled rock stars. Meanwhile, bad guys steal the magic instruments, the band tries to get them back and it all leads into a nonclimactic confrontation with Future Villian Band (Aerosmith) and the only scene even mildly worth seeing, Peter Frampton fighting to the death with Steve Tyler. Then Sgt. Pepper magically appears, only NOW he's a totally different guy who's black [?!] (Billy Preston), and he makes everything all better. Robert Stigwood, the man behind this fiasco, has earned a special place in many peoples' private hell, if not the real one. See also Lucy and the Diamonds, Future Villian Band.

Semi-Precious Stones, The - From the TV series Otherworld (02/16/85). One of the boring popular music groups of boring Centrex City handled by booking agent Billy Sunshine (Michael Callan), and only glimpsed as a picture on his office wall in the "Rock and Roll Suicide" episode. See also Trace and Gina.

Seminal Fluids, The - From the book Big Trouble (1999). The band and song are also briefly mentioned in another Barry novel, Tricky Business 2002:
"I feel a lot of love in this room," said Wally. "This calls for a very special song, a very romantic song, a very tender song for this very special lady, Connie, on her very special night." Then he stomped on his distortion pedal, cranked up his volume knob and slashed out the opening riff to "I Want Your Sex Pootie," by the Seminal Fluids. Jock caught it instantly and came in right behind him, and in a heartbeat everybody on the floor, including Strom Thurmond, was bouncing up and down, chanting with Wally..."

Sensations, The - From the TV show L.A. Law (05/11/89). In the unappealingly titled "Urine Trouble" episode (05/11/89) of L.A. Law, two African-American music groups go head to head in court. Thing is, they're the same group! The first group, old time motowners, decided to retire and sell their name and act to a batch of new guys to keep the music alive. Trouble is, the new guys changed the songs; having "put in this ka-tonk, ka-konk," whereas the Sensations always stood for smooth, according to original member Malcolm Redding. New guy Mr. Wiltern ain't having none of it, calling the old stuff "sugary puke!" Now the old guys want to come out of retirement to sing their stuff the way it's supposed to be. The new guys want to slap an injunction on them- they don't want the old guys bleeding off potential revenue. Naturally, Judge Vance has no choice but to demand a sing-off, in the courtroom! The oldsters in matching powder blue suits, smooth up a storm with the pretty decent motown pastiche, "Walking In the Rain With My Baby." "Notice the soothing nature of the performance" points out their lawyer/music critic (Harry Hamlin). Wow, he must write for Rolling Stone. Then the new guys jump around in eye-hurting pink shirts and purple-sequined suits. They do the same song with a horrible 80s beat box funk beat, featuring scratching and that mid-80s bane of musical goodness: the keyboard worn around the neck like a guitar. Nothing but "Smut! ...Cheap smutty trash!" says Redding. After the performances, the judge shudders to think what the new guys may have done to "Bopping All Night With Betty" and finds the two acts too distinct to cause marketplace confustion. Injunction denied! The Old Sensations: The Rivingtons: Al Frazier, John "Sunny" Harris, Andrew Butler The New Sensations: Simply Raw, Theodore Miller, Ricky Wyrick, Xavier Thomas

Sentinels, The (?) - From the comic book Thunderbolt (1966-67). In this Charlton Comics comic book, this folk trio become superheroes when a dying Russian scientist bestows his inventions on them. Lineup: Helio (Rick Strong), Mentalia (Cindy Carson), and Brute (Crunch Wilson).

Sesame Street Beetles, The - From the TV show Sesame Street (1969-present). Muppet bug band who sing "Letter B" ("Let it Be") and back up Cookie Monster on "Hey Food" ("Hey Jude"). They have appeared numerous times on the show. You can find the aforementioned songs on the 1995 Sesame Road album. Thanks to jackal, chuck for this one. See also Mick Swagger and the Sesame Street Cobble Stones.

Severe Tire Damage - From the movie Vice Academy (1988). Thanks to Mike Foy for this one.

Sex As A Weapon - From the film House Party 3 (1994). Real rap group TLC plays this fake trio. Prepubescent real rap trio Immature shows up as Kid's cousins. Thanks to Charles Rempel for this one.

Sex Factory - From the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 (11/22/98). Thanks to Cronos02 for this one.

Sexual Chocolate - See Randy Watson and Sexual Chocolate

Sexy Lingerie - From the TV show Facts of Life (11/02/85). Thanks to Alyssa & Noah Cope for this one.

Shadow, Billy - From the movie Where the Heart Is (2000). Thanks to Galen Black for this one.

Shadows of the Night - From the TV show Saturday Night Live (03/15/03). Chris Kattan interrupts Salma Hayek's monologue with his Pat Benatar cover band, featuring actor Edward Norton on bass!

Shales, Cricket - From A Country of Old Men (novel by Joseph Hansen), 1991.

Sharks, The - Or is it The Sparks? It's hard to read the number six artist on the top ten board in the record shop scene in the 1971 classic, A Clockwork Orange. The song title is "Switch Me On." Anthony Burgess' original novel had even more bands in it, check the miscellaneous page. See also The Blow Goes, Bread Brothers, Comic Strips, Cyclops, Goggly Gogol, The Heaven Seventeen, The Humpers, The Legend, Johnny Zhivago.

Shasta McNasty - An interracial hip hop trio from the UPN show of the same name, although not really the same name, because the show name became just Shasta,, just before it became cancelled. Whether the band name changed to match, I dunno. Carmine Giovinazzo is Scott, Dale Godboldo is Randy, and Dennis is played by Jake Busey, the son of actor Gary Busey. Man oh man does Jake look like Gary! Wow! If they ever make The Gary Busey Story, Jake should play Gary. It's creepy. Oh, and the show sucks, it's a Monkees rip-off with gratuitous sex and dirty gags thrown in. Oh, and their website sucks too.

Shaunda - Female lounge-type singer (Alex Borstein) from at least three Mad TV sketches: "Shaunda-Ladies Room" (01/09/99) where she plays a ritzy women's rest room with her blindfolded pianist [it's a LADIES rest room] (Phil Lamarr), "Shaunda-Holding Tank" (05/01/99) where she's plays a Vegas jail and is joined by Wayne Newton (Will Sasso), and "Shaunda-Rock & Harpist" (12/09/00) where she has a harpist instead of a pianist. See also Defcon One, Dr. Dazzle, The Erascists, Hoppy Potty, Darlene McBride, Savante, Michael McLoud and Jasmine Wayne-Wayne, Little Hassan Taylor, Willow

Shay - From the TV show Instant Star (2004). African-American hip-hop star (Matthew Brown) with the bling-bling who becomes boyfriend to 16-year-old new star Jude Harrison (Alexz Johnson). His uncle runs the label both of them are on. They record a duet ("Waste My Time") and became a celebrity couple for 15 minutes. From The N. See also BoyzAttack, Jude Harrison.

Shears, Billy - From "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (song by The Beatles), 1967.

Shelton, Bobby - See Billy Wayne.

Shining Orgasm Revival - From "Gianni" (short story by Robert Silverberg), 1982.

Shit - Band started by performance artist Walter Shit (Jim Turner) in the movie based on an MTV short, Joe's Apartment (1996). The hapless Joe of the title (Jerry O'Connell) puts up flyers for the band at one point. But the real stars of the flick are not band Boss Hog, singer Don Ho, or techno artist Moby, all of who also appear, but an all-singing, all-dancing, all-unsettling horde of cockroaches. Thanks to Shawn Eni for this one.

Shitty Beatles, The - From 1992 comedy Wayne's World. Never seen, they are mentioned in passing by roadie Tiny (Meat Loaf). Apparently, it's not just a clever name, they really do suck. Thanks to Chad for this one. See also Crucial Taunt), Jolly Green Giants.

Shock, Michelle - From the movie Scream Dream (1989). Heavy metal queen with a controversial hit video "Scream Dream."

Shower of Power - From the TV show The White Shadow (01/06/81). Thanks to Alex N. Gordon and Robin Edgerton for this one.

Shoyu Weenie - Cartoon Japanese pop band (portrayed by members of The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan) featured in a particularly surreal episode of the Cartoon Network's hilarious Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. Shoyu Weenie hired former superhero, now lawyer, Birdman to sue The Neptunes after The Neptunes stole "Mochi Mochi" (SW's number-one-in-Japan song), retitled it "Lovely Lovely," and rode it to the top of the fake band pop charts. Tony Masa was the voice of Kenji, and Jeanne Mori the voice of Seiko and Miko. Did you get the name yet? Thanks to Alan for this one. See also The Chan Clan, The Neptunes.

Shmenge Brothers, The - See The Happy Wanderers

Shoes 'n' Socks - From the "Rock of Ages" episode (11/15/92) of Married with Children. The Bundy family manages to get into the airport first-class lounge and hobnob with real rock stars Spencer Davis, Richie Havens, Robby Krieger, Mark Lindsay, Peter Noone, and John Sebastian. Father Al Bundy (Ed O'Neill) poses as "Axel Bundy" from this band. Appropriate, since Al is really a shoe saleman. The stars are such acid casualties they can't remember if they know him, so they assume they do. Later in the episode, the whole Bundy clan infiltrates the stars' "Old Aid" recording session, a "We are the World" parody. See also Burned Beyond Recognition, Jimmy Dick and the Night Sticks, Joanie and the Slashettes, Oozing Meat, Otitis Media, Tears and Vomit, The Tuxedos, The Wanker Triplets, The Why, Yodeling Andy.

Short Circus, The - Rock band of kids on PBS' '71-'76 series The Electric Company. They sang educational songs. My details are sketchy, so the lineup may or may have not included at one time or another: June Angela, Todd Graff, Douglas Grant, Stephen Gustafson, Melanie Henderson, Rodney Lewis, Rejane Magloire, Janina Matthews, Denise Nickerson and Irene Cara, who later came to fame with, uh, Fame.

Shorter, Steven - From the movie Privilege (1967). Paul Jones, lead singer of Manfred Mann from 1963-66, portrayed this English singer in the odd 1967 British
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movie Privilege. Shot documentary style, and set in the near future, the British government manipulates the populace thru this enormously popular pop singer. How popular? Bigger than Presley times the Beatles. There are a couple hundred Steve Shorter discotheques, there's Steven Shorter dog food, his cut hair is donated to charity, and fans have Steve tattoos on their hands, palm AND back. There are even Steven Shorter television stations (SSTV 3)! All backed up with the full approval of the government. His violent, emo-act has him led onstage in handcuffs and thrown into a cage, and culminates with him being beaten by half a dozen cops. And that's just ONE SONG. It's hard on the wrists, as it's his real blood. But now the government is ready for phase two.
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They've built him up over two and a half years, and now it's time to completely revamp Shorter's image from victimized bad boy to redeemed, conforming, good-natured doormat. And get those troublesome youth to follow him like sheep. The government and Steven Shorter Enterprises hook up with the Church to basically turn him into a Christian rocker, at a big concert/Nazi-esque fascist rally. Shorter finally breaks down two weeks later at huge awards ceremony receiving a special award from Federated Records. One stammering, twitchy speech about about how "You've made me nothing... I hate you!" later and his career is utterly finished. It's implied that two years later, no one even remembers him, and almost all footage of him has been destroyed, 1984-style.

Shuffle, Herbert "Mr. Harpsichord" - From Soul Music (novel by Terry Pratchett), 1995.

Shy - From the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer (11/02/99). Shy- band fronted by lycanthrope Veruca () who gets the hots for Oz, another lycanthrope fronting his own band. She first appears briefly in the "Living Conditions" episode (10/12/99), then with her band in the "Beer Bad" episode (11/02/99). In the "Wild at Heart" episode (11/09/99), it all hits the fan as Veruca's goes after Oz's friend Willow to get him to herself. Oz has to put that puppy to sleep! Boo-yah! After killing Veruca, Oz leaves town/the show to "heal" himself/pursue other projects. Shy's music was done by band THC. Thanks to Kael Driscoll for this one.

Sick Dick and the Volkswagens - From The Crying of Lot 49 (novel by Thomas Pynchon), 1965. Thanks to Sidney Schaeffer for this one.

Sid James Experience - From High Fidelity (novel by Nick Hornby), 1995. Thanks to Pat Meusel for this one.

Sid Knishes and his Mosh Pit-tatoes - Punk band of muppet potatoes from an episode of the short lived 1996 TV series, Muppets Tonight. In another feat of pun-ditry, Sid dedicates their song to his pal, Johnny Au Gratin.

Sillipede - From Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (novel by Gregory Maguire), 1995.

Silly Rabbit - From the TV cartoon Mission Hill (07/21/99). Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Silver Johnny - From the movie Mojo (1997). Thanks to Rob Lenihan for this one.

Silver Platters, The - Iconic '70s sitcom The Brady Bunch (1969-74) sets its sextet of siblings a-singing in the "Amateur Night" episode (01/26/73). The kids want to engrave a silver platter for their parents' anniversary gift, but Jan miscalculates the price. So they enter local TV show The Pete Sterne Amateur Hour (MC Pete Sterne played by Steve Dunne) to try and win the $100 first prize money. They perform the Archies-esque "It's a Sunshine Day" to audition, but sing "Keep On" on the show. They come in third but learn some kind of valuable lesson about some heartwarming thing, I'm sure. You really should know this, but the Brady kids were: Marcia (Maureen McCormick), Jan (Eve Plumb), Cindy (Susan Olsen), Greg (Barry Williams), Peter (Christopher Knight) and Bobby (Mike Lookinland). In reality, the producers herded the Brady brood into the studio to record no less than four albums of pop fluff and covers to cash in on the show: Christmas with the Brady Bunch (1970), Meet the Brady Bunch (1972), The Kids from the Brady Bunch (1972) [containing the above songs], and The Brady Bunch Phonographic Album (1973). MCA released an, ahem, "best of" compilation CD in 1993, It's a Sunshine Day: The Best of the Brady Bunch. (See also The Banana Convention, Johnny Bravo)

Silver Service - See Spinal Tap

Simmons, Don "No Soul" - From the 1987 comedy sketch movie Amazon Women on the Moon. Poor Don is in a commercial featuring blues great B.B. King appealing for donations to the "Blacks Without Soul" organization. Don (David Alan Greer), who "turned a terrible affliction into a recording career," is shown gleefully singing incredibly white bread versions of white bread songs like Tony Orlando and Dawn's "Tie a Yellow Ribbon," "Chim Chim Cheree" (from Mary Poppins) and a seriously funk impaired "Joy to the World" (by Three Dog Night). Thanks to Ken Larson for this one.

Simone - From the movie S1m0ne (2002).

NOT Lisa Simpson, but Clarissa Wellington.
NOT Lisa Simpson,
but Clarissa Wellington.
Simpson, Lisa - From the animated TV show The Simpsons (05/08/05). In the "A Star is Torn" episode, Lisa (voiced by Yeardley Smith) enters the Krusty the Klown Li'l Starmaker Competition, a preteen American Idol spoof. The first round puts her up against much better singer Clarissa Wellington (voiced by Fantasia Barrino), who sings the same song Lisa planned to sing ("Mocking Bird"). Dad Homer saves the day by quickly writing Lisa a pro-Springfield song that panders to the crowd. Homer becomes her manager, quickly turning into a domineering stage mother as he cranks out schmaltzy, crowd-pleasing to make up for Lisa's technical abilities. Lisa finally gets sick of Homer oppressive managerial style and fires him. Homer then manages her top competitor, Cameron, instead, renaming him Johnny Rainbow and changing his own name to "Colonel Cool." In the final round, when Clarissa is eliminated and it's down to just Lisa and Cameron, Cameron loses with a Homer-penned tune about how rich and privileged he is. Homer deliberately sabotaged Cameron so Lisa would win.

Simpson, Homer - From the animated TV series The Simpsons (04/27/03). In the "Dude, Where's My Ranch?" episode, guest star David Byrne just happens to pass by and hear Homer's anti-Flanders song, which he then records and produces as a duet with Homer, and turns into a hit. It's so big a hit, the Simpsons go to a dude ranch just to get the hell away from it. Lisa develops a crush on one of the cowboys there.

Sims, Nicole - From the movie Thank God It's Friday (1978).

Sinclair, Bobby - Robert Carradine plays this acoustic guitar strumming washed-up rocker who gets involved with aliens and the obligatory military coverup in the 1982 stinker Wavelength. Unbelievably, the aliens tell him they like his music.

Sinclair, Pearl - From the TV show Dinosaurs (1994).

Singing Frog - See Michigan J. Frog

Sir Loin - From the animated TV show Aqua Teen Hunger Force (08/31/03). Large African-American rapper whose song "Doin' It 4 Da Shorteez" is a socially conscious plea for food for hungry kids in the "Super Sir Loin" episode. But really he's a diaper-wearing cow who plans to use the tons of rotting food to attract flies so he can collect the acid they eat with to melt his way into a bank and steal the money so he can pay for the patio furniture he rented. But REALLY he's the reincarnation of MC Pee Pants from the "MC P Pants" (05/19/02) episode, a diaper-wearing eight-foot giant spider whose last tangle with the Aqua Teen Hunger Force got him killed and sent to Hell. This one ends the same way. See also MC Pee Pants, Little Brittle.

Sir Smoke-A-Lot - From the movie Half Baked (1998). Rapper played by Dave Chappelle in this drug comedy. Thanks to Sam Jeffries, Areia Spinner for this one.

Sireena and the Sirens - From the movie Shake, Rattle and Rock (1994). When the best thing about a movie is Howie Mandel, you know you're in for a world of discomfort. Such it is with the 50's period Showtime channel movie Shake, Rattle & Rock (1994). Mandel is remarkably tolerable as cool, hip Danny Klay, host of Danny Klay's 3 O'clock Hop, the local rock and roll show. Black female quartet Sireena and the Sirens are accidentally discovered by Klay, and get to perform "Look Into My Eyes" on his show. Unfortunately, the station manager gets a lot of calls about putting negroes on the air, you know, where white people might actually see them. Klay pulls a hitherto unknown set of principles out of his rectum, argues with the manager and gets canned. Fortunately for Sireena Cooper (Latanyia Baldwin) and the rest of the nameless Sirens (played by Necia Bray, Josina Elder, and Wendi Williams), who should stop into her mom's restaurant, but Thomas Taylor (Ron Jackson) VP of Sceptre Records. Trivia Time! The band's singing was done by group For Real, who also provided the singing voices of fake band The Luminaries in Grace of My Heart. Also, MTV metalhead VJ Rikki Rachtman has a cameo playing rock legend Eddie Cochran- aw man! Rikki should be rolling in his grave! Wait, I mean... no, that's accurate. See also The Egg Rolls, The Luminairies.

Sister and the Sisters - From the movie Sparkle (1976). Thanks to Galen Black for this one.

Sister Oma and the Clarions - From the movie UFOria (1980).

Sisters Of Mercy Hold No Pain Against The Dark Lord - Briefly shown competitor to band Timmy! and the Lords of the Underworld in the battle of bands from the "Timmy! 2000" episode (04/19/00) of animated show South Park. Their song is "Silk Blood on the Footsteps of My Mind - Revisited." See also Reach for the Skyler, Timmy! and the Lords of the Underworld

Six Million Jews - From the book Good News From Outer Space (1989). A character's old, small-time punk band in this sci-fi novel by John Kessel about a resurgence of Christian fervor and millennial fever as the year 2000 approaches.

Skadelig, Otto - From A Clockwork Orange (novel by Anthony Burgess), 1962.

Skaface - See Spinal Tap

Skinny Black - From the movie Hustle & Flow (2005). Rap superstar (played by real rapper Ludacris), and former childhood friend of DJay (Terrence Howard), who hopes to get him to listen to his demo tape. See also DJay. Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Skye Band, The - From the TV movie Sooner or Later (1979). Thanks to Chefcmc, Sharyl Morris for this one.

Skylark, Chip - Prettyboy teen sensation voiced by N'Sync's Chris Kirkpatrick in the "Boys in the Band" episode of The Fairly Oddparents. Every woman in town, including Timmy's mom (Susan Blakeslee), is gaga over Chip's goateed, pink-hooded-sweatshirt-and-stocking-cap good looks. (Timmy's dad (Daran Norris) is Chip's sole male fan.) After Chip's big concert overshadows Timmy's birthday, the latter wishes for Chip to get kidnapped, "Misery" style, by evil babysitter Vicky. But, as per usual in these kinds of situations, Timmy (Tara Strong) learns that Chip's not a bad guy, etc. etc. etc., and helps Chip escape in time for the big show and his crowd-pleasing new song "Oh Vicky You're So So Icky." Thanks to Alan for this one. See also Fairies, The.

Skylark, Chippington - See Chippington Skylark and His Noah's Arkestra.

Slade, Brian - An early 70's androgenous glam rocker (read: David Bowie) and the focus of the 1998 movie Velvet Goldmine. After the pressures of fame get to be too much, he tries to fake his own murder, but gets found out and his career takes a nosedive. Played by Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. (see also The Flaming Creatures, Curt Wild, The Venus In Furs.

Slag Bag - From the TV series Play for Today (02/17/76). The "Jumping Bean Bag" episode of this BBC anthology series is a mock rock doc about this glam rock high school band who get expelled for performing in dresses. David Dixon (Ford Prefect in the BBC Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series) played singer Ozzie Freemantle. The band's songs were written by Stephen Deutsch.

Slash - From the movie Slash (2002). Thanks to Brian Simpson for this one. Lead singer Joseph "Mac" MacDonald (James O'Shea) and his band go to his aunt's funeral way out in the sticks and end up in a lame, low-budget slasher flick shot in South Africa. Some wacko dressed as a scarecrow runs around killing people with farm implements. Rest of lineup: Bassist Suzie (Zuleikha Robinson); Keith (Craig Kirkwood); Rod (David Dukas), and Ian (Neels Clasen).

Slater Mill Boys - From the movie Tender Mercies (1983). Young country music band influenced by Mac Sledge. Lineup: Jake (Rick Murray), Bertie (Stephen Funchess), Steve (Glen Fleming), and Henry (James Aaron). See also Dixie Scott, Mac Sledge. Thanks to Miles P. Finley for this one.

Sleaze Sisters, The - From the film Times Square (1980). Or maybe The Sleaze Girls. Or the Sleez Sisters. I dunno. New wave duo. Thanks to Marty Hale-Evans, Blossom, Matty Karas, E A Scott, Jim & Gina Kallinen, chelsea the mod pixie, and missmez for this one.

Sledge, Mac - From the movie Tender Mercies (1983). Thanks to Charles Rempel and Miles Finley for this one.

Slice, Candy - See Candy Slice and the Slicers.

Slim Claxton and his Trio - Jazz trio that played the Gaslight Club in the Village in "The Drum Major" episode of The Cosby Show. Xylophonist Claxton (Dub Taylor) is an old pal of Russell Huxtable (Earle Hyman), who once loaned Claxton $100 for a wedding ring. Former members of the group included the now-deceased Freddy Collins and Claude Powers. Cos sings a song of theirs early in the show that goes something like "Baby don'tcha step on my face cause you got nails in your shoes." Thanks to Alan for this one.

Slime and the Family Stone - See Mick Jagged and the Stones

SlipDog - From the TV show My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star (2002). Thanks to Charles Rempel, Alex Hughes, and Adam Bishop for this one.

Sloan, Barney - From the movie Young at Heart (1955).

Sly, Dominic - From Dominic Sly (children's book by Jenny Partridge), 1981.

Small Town Binomes, The - From the animated TV show ReBoot (08/12/95). This wholesome group auditons for Enzo's (voiced by Giacomo Baessato) birthday party show in the "Talent Night" episode. They're a Village People spoof.

Smart Alecs, The - From the movie Live It Up, aka Sing and Swing (1963). Teen rock band with dreams of stardom. Fronted by Dave Martin (David Hemmings) and Ron (Heinz Burt).

Smeg and the Heads - In the 1989 "Timeslides" episode of U.K. sci-fi series Red Dwarf, Dave Lister (Craig Charles) gets to glimpse his past self, as a 17-year old practicing the song "Om" with his garage, or whatever they use for garages in the future, band. "Om," also known as "The Om Song", had a very simple lyric (can you guess?), and a lot of noise. Bill Steer and Jeff Walker of Liverpool grindcore act Carcass, played, respectively, bandmembers Dobbin and Gaz. Emile Charles played young Lister. Thanks to A. Reno and Aaron Bell for this one. See also Rasta Billy Skank

Smokey Mountain Laurels, The - Old timey country trio that appears briefly in the 1975 film Nashville playing at Deemen's Den, a small club. Frog (Richard Baskin) was on acoustic guitar. Sheila Bailey and Patti Bryant played the other, singing members. (see also Haven Hamilton, Connie White, Barbara Jean, Tommy Brown, Linnea Reese, Sueleen Gay, and Tom, Bill & Mary)

Smoosh - An Oasis parody, featuring the two most bored, jaded English brothers in the world, Ian Shropshire (David Cross) and Clive Shropshire (Bob Odenkirk) in a sketch from show #305 of HBO's Mr. Show. They can't get excited about their album, Space Age Super Suit, going triple platinum or about being the first rock band on the moon. (Also in the sketch was Norma Jean Monster)

Smooth Daddy -In "The Pig Whisperer" episode (04/08/00) of Spin City, supersquare NYC Mayor Randall Winston (Barry Bostwick) becomes friends with this African-American rapper who sampled one of his speeches. At the end of the episode, Smooth says it's nothing personal, but his people don't think they should hang anymore. In a touching gesture, he gives the mayor one of his gold chains, even after the mayor ignorantly calls him "homo" instead of "homie." Played by Kevin Mambo.

Snake Alley Band - From Snake Alley Band (children's book by Elizabeth Nygaard), 1998.

Snarks, The - From the movie Smashing Time (1967). This fake UK band was played by real UK band Tomorrow (not to be confused with Toomorrow). The band members were: John Alder, Steve Howe, John Pearce, and Keith West. Trivia Time! Band member Steve Howe would later become a member of prog rockers Yes and then the Howe in Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe. See also Yvonne.

Snogs, The - From the movie Down and Out with the Dolls (2001).

Snori Snoriscousin And His Brass Idiots - From Soul Music (novel by Terry Pratchett), 1995.

Snotra, Frank - From the TV show The Ren & Stimpy Show ( 09/05/1996). Cartoon cat Stimpy's "nose goblin" (i.e., anthropomorphized booger) becomes a singer in the "Ol' Blue Nose" episode.

Snow Pink - In the "Battle of the Bands" (1/31/82) episode of CHiPs, Susan Richardson plays this artist who has her van broken into. She still manages to win a battle of the bands competition against the punk band Pain, who were the ones who robbed her van. The rest of her band was played by the band Shepherd. (see also Pain and Moloch)

Snow White - A one joke band from the 1980 movie Roadie- they're all midgets! Hanh?! Get it? Hanh?! When hot 16 year-old groupie/rock philosopher Lola Bouilliabase (Kaki Hunter), gets mad at the titular roadie, Travis W. Redfish (Meat Loaf), she decides to get him off her mind by going to this band's trailer to see if they need servicing. A little later, she tracks him down watching Asleep At The Wheel with Deborah Harry from Blondie. Snow White comes with her and gets in a fight with the boys from Blondie. The African American midget with the afro manages to pick up Deborah Harry, though. Lucky midget. The movie also features a mishmash of real artists as themselves: Blondie, Roy Orbison, Alice Cooper, The Pleasant Valley Boys, Asleep at the Wheel, Hank Williams Jr., and The Bama Boys. See also Spittle (I). Thanks to Galen Black, Peter Ledebur for this one.

Soft White Underbelly - From touring pseudonym of Blue Oyster Cult when testing new material, 1984. Thanks to Phil Konstantin for this one.

Soggy Bottom Boys, The - Country/bluegrass singing group thrown together for a fast buck in 1937 by three on the lam convicts and a bluesman who sold his soul to the devil in the silly and charming 2000 movie O Brother Where Art Thou. Their song, the old standard, "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow," sung with tight harmonies with that "high lonesome sound" becomes a regional radio hit. They also sing "In The Jailhouse Now" at an impromptu concert performance. Lineup: Ulysses Everett McGill (George Clooney) Lead Vocal, Pete (John Turturro) Backup Vocal, Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) Backup Vocal, and Tommy Johnson (Chris Thomas King) Guitar. See also The Wharvey Gals)

Solid Gold - From the movie Blood Tracks (1985).

Solids, The - From the "Loyalties" episode (02/20/01) of the NBC primetime series Ed. The titular Ed (Thomas Cavanagh) loses a court case about singer Amanda Bays (Paige Price) getting kicked out of this band. Amanda was replaced by Vanessa at the instigation of Jordi Hasler, pet store owner and rock manager. She doesn't want back in, she just wants them to stop using her songs, but when her notebook goes missing, she can't prove authorship. After the trial, the band tries to get her to rejoin (Vanessa quits for a better gig in Jaspertown), but she refuses and watches them blow an audition for a record company exec. Their big song: "Watching Him Go" (Amanda wrote it about her ex-boyfriend Gideon, but in court Kerry testified that SHE wrote it, and it was about Jim Peterson). The actors portraying guitarist Kerry Thomas and drummer Barry Jessup (Carter Bays and Craig Thomas) are both staff writers for The Late Show with David Letterman. Thanks to Charles for this one.
Now a bath product!

Sonic Death Monkey - See Barry Jive and the Uptown Five.

Sonic Energy Authority - From various novels by Robert Rankin, 19??. Thanks to Chris Thorn for this one.

Sonic Underground - From the animated TV series Sonic Underground (1999-2000). In this version of the many video game, cartoon, and comic book versions of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic plays lead guitar in this band, with his brother Manic (drums) and his sister Sonia (keyboards). Their instruments transform into weapons, so they can fight the evil Dr. Robotnik. Thanks to Mark Lungo for this one.

Sons of Thunder, The - From the movie Airheads (1994). Played by real band The Galactic Cowboys in a cameo appearance.

Sookie and the Band - From the movie Strangers In Paradise (1984). Thanks to Hooper_Xfor this one.

Sophisticatos, The - From the TV show Odd Couple, The (02/22/74). Felix Unger's (Tony Randall) smooth jazz band. See also Red River Unger and the Saddlesores. Thanks to Michael S. Duncan, Jack Daly for this one.

Sorels, The - African American doo wop group on their way to success thanks to new manager Billy Fish (Rick Moranis) by the end of 1984's "rock 'n' roll fable" Streets of Fire. Oddly, it's pronounced "SIR-ells," not "sore-ELLS." Lineup: Bird (Stoney Jackson), B. J. (Mykel T. Williamson), Reggie (Grand L. Bush), and Lester (Robert Townsend [who was also in The Five Heartbeats]). They performed "Countdown to Love" and "I Can Dream About You," both actually done by Winston Ford. (see also Ellen Aim and the Attackers)

Soul Teachers - From the TV show The Steve Harvey Show (). Thanks to Charles Rempel for this one.

Sound Committee, The - From the TV show The Andy Griffith Show (11/06/67). Thanks to Don Gerard for this one.

Space Angels, The - From the TV show Battlestar Galactica (1978). Thanks to Gunnar R. Fischer for this one.

Space Girls - From the animated TV show Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001). All-female quartet. Parody of The Spice Girls.

Sparkz, Casey - From the TV show Encyclopedia Brown (1989?). Alan Merrill played this series regular in this HBO show. Thanks to "V.H." for this one.

Speece, Myron - From Sonic Disruptors #3 (DC comic book mini-series written by Mike Baron, drawn by Barry Crain & John Nyberg), Feb. 1988.

Speed of Light - From the recurring "Mel's Rock Pile" sketch on SCTV. A parody of teen dance shows, in the 11/21/80 episode, host Rockin' Mel Slirrup (Eugene Levy) has to deal with this band backing out of their appearance on his show. Duke, the singer, was played by Dave Thomas. See also Vic Arpeggio, Big Momma, Happiness Unlimited, Tom Munroe, Russ Riley, The Wally Hung Trio.

Sphere, McClintic - From the book V (1963). An innovative saxophone player based on Ornette Coleman in this Thomas Pynchon novel.

Spinal Tap - Heavy metal brain-dead hair farmers from the now classic 1984 comedy This is Spinal Tap, done up documentary-style by fake director Marty DiBergi (Rob Reiner). The movie captures every embarrassing moment of their disastrous tour as well as dipping back in time to sample the band's mutations from early '60s skiffle to Merseybeat to flower power to finally the heaviest of metal. As other members come and go and a seemingly endless list of drummers meet bizzare and unnatural ends, the band's core remains joined in mediocrity: lead singer David St. Hubbins (Michael McKean), lead guitarist Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest), and bassist Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer).
      Guest, McKean and Shearer all dabbled in musical parody before Spinal Tap; McKean, Shearer and Laverne & Shirley's David L. Lander were also all members of comedy troupe The Credibility Gap (1968-1976) where they performed songs and sketches on L.A. radio station KRLA. Later, McKean was a member of duo Lenny and the Squigtones on Laverne and Shirley as Lenny Kosnowski. Guest was musical director on National Lampoon's 1972 Radio Dinner album and also played guitar on the 1979 Lenny and Squiggy present Lenny and the Squigtones album- under the alias Nigel Tufnel! Interestingly, Spinal Tap first appeared before the public a full five years earlier in a glam rock incarnation on the 1979 failed sketch comedy show pilot, The T.V. Show, playing the still unreleased song "Rock and Roll Nightmare." That version of the band included singer/songwriter Loudon Wainwright III on keyboards!
      Guest, McKean, and Shearer kept up the pretense to the hilt, appearing as the band in music magazines, their own greatest hits album commercial, even on Saturday Night Live in 1984, playing "Christmas with the Devil" - in May. They had a cameo on the Hear 'N Aid album and video; the 1986 heavy metal "We Are the World." In 1992, they released a new album, Break Like the Wind, featuring guest musicians Jeff Beck, Cher, Steve Lukather, Joe Satriani, Slash, and Dweezil Zappa. They even toured as the band in 2001.
      Here's a capsule history of the band: In 1964, guitarist David St. Hubbins (formerly of The Creatures) and Nigel Tufnel (formerly of The Lovely Lads) formed The Originals, but because there was already a band named that, they changed to The New Originals. Then, in late 1964, they changed the name to The Thamesmen. Then in late '65 or early '66, they went through rapidfire personnel and name changes, including: The Dutchmen, Rave Breakers, Hellcats, Flamin' Daemons, Shiners, Mondos, The Doppel Gang, The Peoples, Loose Lips, Waffles, Hot Waffles, Silver Service, Bisquits, Love Bisquits, The Mud Below, and the Tufnel-St. Hubbins Group before settling on Spinal Tap in December of 1966. In late 1967, bassist Derek Smalls (formerly of Teddy Noise, Skaface and Milage) permanently joined the lineup.
Yarrgh! It's Spinal Tap!
In 1976 the band played under the names Anthem and The Cadburys while having legal difficulties with their record label, Megaphone. And of course they played at least one gig as Spinal Tap Mark II when Nigel briefly walked out on their 1982 US Tour. Sheesh! These guys make this job hard. For other Spinal Tap related bands, such as bands they toured with, the bands members came from, the bands members joined or started after leaving, and band member side projects, check out Chip Rowe's comprehensive Spinal Tap site. Or visit the band's official web page and see if the joke has worn thin and Harry Shearer, Christopher Guest and Michael McKean should just get on with their careers. Crap, I hope not! See also Duke Fame, The Folksmen, Lenny and the Squigtones, Pudding People, The Regulars.

Spittle (I) - From the movie Roadie (1980). Punky rock band playing Los Angeles' Whiskey-A-Go-Go club in the rockin' 1980 movie Roadie. They refuse to go on when groupie Lola Bouilliabase (Kaki Hunter) shows up with a box of real laundry detergent instead of the detergent box of cocaine she was supposed to bring. Their fat bitch manager (played by Helena Humann) says, "No snow, no show." The titular roadie, Travis W. Redfish (Meat Loaf) threatens the band into performing and chases them onstage! But when the band starts playing, Redfish sees Lola leaving unhappy and grabs a mic to talk to her. He can't hear her, so he throws her a mic and they have a conversation over the PAwhile the band plays. Then there's an earthquake! Spittle was played by real band Standing Waves: Shona Lay, Bob Murray, Larry Seaman, Randy Franklin, David Cardwell. The movie also features a mishmash of real artists as themselves: Blondie, Roy Orbison, Alice Cooper, The Pleasant Valley Boys, Asleep at the Wheel, Hank Williams Jr., and The Bama Boys. See also Snow White. Thanks to Galen Black, Peter Ledebur for this one.

Spittle (II) - Industrial-type metal band from the 1998 independent movie Bandwagon. They had one song on the soundtrack, called "Muddah Muddah Fadda." Evil rivals of Circus Monkey.

Splat! - From the TV show Silver Spoons (02/23/86). Thanks to Jeff McDermott for this one.

Splint - Pop band from "The Old Gay Whistle Test" sketch on Rutland Weekend Television shown performing "Bandwagon" live at the Gerard's Cross Pop Festival. The lead singer (Neil Innes) looks a lot like Elton John. They are on the Abattoir label. Mantra Robinson, Stan Fitch, and Toad the Wet Sprocket)

Splitting Headaches, The - From the TV show Roseanne (05/08/90). Generic hard rock band whose video for "Pounding" is played (but not seen) during the "Happy Birthday" episode. Dan (John Goodman) tries to make a joke about the band's name and song title, but their utter genericness overwhelms all comedy. Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Spoilers, The - From the movie Born To Lose (1999). Punk band that self destructs. Thanks to Moeweird666 for this one.

Spoink - From the TV show Lizzie McGuire (10/12/01).

Springfield Mental Asylum Marching Band - From the TV show The Simpsons (05/14/00). From the "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge" episode where Otto's girlfriend moves in. See also Cyanide. Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Spumoni, Dino - A Sinatra-like crooner with plenty of attitude from several episodes ("Partners," "Dino Checks Out," "School Dance," and "The Old Building") of Nickelodeon's cartoon Hey Arnold. Don Reynolds (Harvey Korman) was Spumoni's lyricist in one episode ("Partners"). Some song titles: "You Better Not Touch My Gal," "Don't Count Me Out," and "You Broke My Heart," which was listed as "Smashed" when released on a Nickelodeon CD of their various cartoons' music. Dino is voiced by Rick Corso, his singing voice by Alan Paul and Michael B. Levin.

Spy-Dor - From the TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 (09/14/91).

Squabs, The - Or possibly The Squabbs. In the hour long PBS Arthur Christmas special, Arthur's Perfect Christmas (11/23/00), spoiled rich kid, er, cartoon monkey kid, Muffy Crosswire (voice of Melissa Altro) boasts of this rock band she's hired to play her big Christmas party. At the party, the kids all rock out to the band playing "Boogie Woogie Christmas." Muffy blithely assumes her best friend Francine Frensky (voice of Jodie Resther), also a cartoon monkey kid, will be there. However, the Frenskys are Jewish cartoon monkeys and goyim Muffy's party is on the same night as the last night of Hanukah, so Francine can't make it, but dammit, Muffy just won't listen! Thanks to Rich Jeantheau & wife for this one! (See also BINKY, Piccolo Pete)

Squares, Johnny - From the movie The Dead Pool (1988). Thanks to Dan at NonsuchWorks for this one.

Squarey, Chunk - From the TV cartoon Rolie Polie Olie (11/5/2000). Thanks to Andy Mansur for this one.

Squires, Shanna - From the TV cartoon Jusice League (200?).

Stainless Steel Rats, The - From The Stainless Steel Rat Sings The Blues (novel by Harry Harrison), 1994.

Stains, The - In the 1981 movie Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains, Corrine Burns (Diane Lane) is the lead singer of this punk band with her two cousins. They tour with Metal Corpses.

Standells, The - From the TV show The Munsters? - SORRY THEY'RE REAL!

Starfleet Academy Band, The - From Crossfire (a Star Trek: The Next Generation book by John Vornholt), 1996.

State of Contusion - See Whiskey Kitten

Statlin Brothers, The - From the movie Dill Scallion (1999).

Status Quo - From the TV show Off Centre (2001). Thanks to sara for this one.

Steel Dragon - The focal point of 2001 movie Rock Star. Lead singer Bobby Beers (Jason Flemyng) gets the boot from this loud, 80s metal band. The band members replace him with Chris Cole (Mark Wahlberg), the lead singer of Blood Pollution, a small-time Steel Dragon tribute band. The plot is a fictionalized version of how Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford was replaced by "Ripper" Owens. Beers' singing voice was Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie J. Malmsteen's lead singer) and/or Mike Matijevic (Steelheart vocalist). Most of the rest of the band was played by various real rockers from the 80s: Kirk Cuddy (Dominic West) on guitar, A.C. (Jason Bonham, Led Zep's John Bonham's son) on drums, Ghode (Zakk Wylde, Ozzy Osbourne's guitarist) on guitar, and Jorgen (Jeff Pilson of Dokken) on bass. (See also Blood Pollution)

Stench of Death - From the TV series Coronation Street (). The goth kids of this long running British soap opera listen to this band. Thanks to michael for this one.

Sterne, Luke - From A Clockwork Orange (novel by Anthony Burgess), 1962. Thanks to Paul Lefrak for this one.

Steve and the Apocalypse - See Darryl and the Chaos

Steve Hightower and the Hi Tops - From the TV show The Steve Harvey Show (08/25/96). Thanks to Charles Rempel for this one.

Steve Sax Trio, The - From the TV cartoon The Simpsons (02/20/92). In the "Homer at the Bat" episode (02/20/92), Mr. Burns (voiced by Harry Shearer) needs a batch of baseball ringers for his company team to win a million-dollar bet, and sends his assistant Smithers (also voiced by Harry Shearer) to bribe up a batch. Smithers finds Steve Sax (voiced by himself) in an unlikely place, playing stand-up bass with this piano-drums-bass jazz trio in a jazz club. The episode also featured a bunch of other pro baseballers playing themselves: Wade Boggs, Jose Canseco, Roger Clemens, Ken Griffey Jr., Don Mattingly, Mike Scioscia, Ozzie Smith and Darryl Strawberry.

Stevens, Derek - Dana Carvey played this procrastinating English piano-playing rocker/balladeer in a series of skits during his tenure at Saturday Night Live (1986-1993). His big hit was "Choppin' Broccoli."

Stevie - Female pop star from the "Stevie" episode (03/04/1989) of Good Morning, Miss Bliss (1987-1989), the forerunner of Saved by the Bell. She comes back to her alma mater (JFK Junior High) to perform a farewell concert before "retiring" to go to college. Student Zack (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) pretends to be dying in order to scam a kiss off her in a bet he made with Nikki (Heather Hopper). But Stevie is filled in on Zack's tricks by their teacher, the titular Miss Bliss (Disney's Hayley Mills), who Stevie is staying with, because obviously you can't expect pop stars to afford hotel rooms. The kiss goes to the nerdly Screech (Dustin Diamond). Stevie's real name is Colleen Morton (played by Suzanne Tara). (See also The Five Aces, Hot Sundae, Zack Attack)

Stewie and the Cowtones - From the animated TV show Family Guy; from the "To Live and Die In Dixie" episode. See also Billy Bob and the Nocturnal Emissions, Pearl Burton, Fat, Black, Horny and Joe, Meg Griffin, Olivia and Stewie, Garfunkel, Oates and Nash.

Stigma Sullivan and the Silverbees - From Wrack & Roll (novel by Bradley Denton), 1986.

Stillwater - Early seventies rock band from Troy, Michigan and a major part of the 2000 movie, Almost Famous. The movie's name comes from the name of the band's 1973 tour. Lineup: Guitarist Russell Hammond (formerly of Fizz Merchant and Blues Reduction) played by Billy Crudup, lead singer Jeff Bebe (formerly of The Juddson Brothers, Sampson's Balls and The Jeff Bebe Band) played by Jason Lee, Ed Vallencourt (formerly of Saint Hex and Fellow's Fellows) played by John Fedevich, and Larry Fellows (also formerly of Saint Hex and Fellow's Fellows) played by Mark Kozelek. The band's music ("Fever Dog," "Love Thing," "Love Comes and Goes,") was written by director Cameron Crowe and his wife, Nancy Wilson of real band Heart.

Stingers, The - From the TV cartoon Jem! (1985).

Stingray 5000 - From the animated TV show SpongeBob SquarePants (). An apparently not-so-good band mentioned in the "Missing Identity" episode. Even though SpongeBob mentions the group hit the top 40, a copy of their single, "You Rock My Clams," was in the Dumpster outside The Krusty Krab. So fleeting is fame. Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Stinky Pinky - From the movie Britney Spears Live from Vegas (2001). Thanks to Galen Black for this one. This band is from a dream sequence from her HBO concert film of her Dream Within a Dream tour.

Stone, Tommy - From the movie Velvet Goldmine (1998).

Stoneatra, Frank - See Mick Jagged and the Stones

Stovall, Red - Clint Eastwood is the titular character in 1982's Honkytonk Man. He plays Red Stovall, a Hank Williams-like character who is suffering from tuberculosis and hopes to get to that Mecca of country music, the Grand Ole Opry, before he dies. Eastwood does his own singing, a gutsy but misguided move.

Strange Fruit - Seventies British "classic" rock band that reunites after 20 years in the 1998 movie Still Crazy. Lineup: Tony Costello (Stephen Rea), Les Wickes (Jimmy Nail), drummer David 'Beano' Baggot (Timothy Spall), and vocalist Ray Simms (Bill Nighy). I wonder if they were supposed to be named after the Billie Holliday song?

Strawberry Shortcake Band, The - From the movie North Avenue Irregulars (1979). Thanks to Alan Benson for this one.

Stray Cats, The - From the movie Stardust (1974). Jim MacLaine (David Essex), a randy, bed-hopping bastard, leaves his wife and infant child at the end of That'll Be The Day(1973) for the siren song of rock and roll. The movie is loosely based on the early life of John Lennon, and is hardly flattering. The sequel Stardust (1974), has him forming this band . Trivia Time! Real 80s revival rockabilly band The Stray Cats took their name from this fictional band. Thanks to MICHAEL BROWN, Jason L Brown, E A Scott, jim kvicala, KENT BENJAMIN, Christopher Harvey for this one.

Strayhorn, Charlie - From the TV show The Rockford Files (09/22/78). Thanks to Kim Newman for this one.

Street, Rupert - From the movie 30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia (1968). Dudley Moore stars as this pianist who wants to compose his masterpiece and get married all before his fast-approaching 30th birthday.

Street Slim - In The Blues Brothers movie, bluesman John Lee Hooker is seen playing on the street in a brief, well, cameo is such a strong word. Giving his character a name seems hardly worth the bother. See also The Blues Brothers, The Good Ole Boys and Murph and the Magic Tones.

Strong Bad - From Homestar Runner (200?). Even though the web site is called Homestar Runner, bad guy Mexican wrestler looking Strong Bad is the most compelling character and the closest thing they have to a villain. He has a regular weekly feature where answers the public's emails, and also occasionally thinks he has a singing career of some sort. One of the earliest cartoons is for his greatest hits album. He's also all over the site's 2003 CD Strong Bad Sings and other type hits.

Stylettes, The - African American a cappella doo-wop quartet from 1996's Grace of my Heart. They indirectly give the main character, songwriter Denise Waverly (Illeana Douglas) her big break, when their manager Joel Millner (John Turturro) brings them her song "In Another World" and it becomes a hit for them. Then they disappear from the movie completely. The song was really cowritten by 60's hitmaker Gerry Goffin and band Los Lobos. The Stylettes were played by vocal group Portrait: Eric Jerome Kirkland, Irving Eugene Washington III, Kurt Jackson, and Michael Saulsberry. See also The Click Brothers, Little Tammy Lee, The Luminaries, Kelly Porter, The Riptides, Denise Waverly.

Subtle Distinctions, The - See Barrett Rude Jr. and the Subtle Distinctions.

Suburban Funk - From the film The New Guy (2002). High school garage band of teens. They cover Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music" at the prom. Lineup: Gil (DJ Qualls) on vocals and guitar, Nora (Zooey Deschanel) on guitar, Kirk (Jerod Mixon) on drums, and Glen (Parry Shen) on keyboards. The movie also has cameos by real musicians Tommy Lee, Henry Rollins, Vanilla Ice, Lyle Lovett, Gene Simmons, and Kool Mo Dee.

Suburbans, The - An 80s one-hit wonder band tries the comeback trail in the 1999 film The Suburbans. The band is Danny (Donal Lardner Ward), Rory (Tony Guma), Mitch (Craig Bierko), and Gil (Will Ferrell). Cate (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is the record company scout who tries to whip them into shape.

Suck - From Soul Music (novel by Terry Pratchett), 1995.

Suede, Johnny - From the movie Johnny Suede (1991). Thanks to Galen Black for this one.

Sugar - From the TV show Sugar Time! (1977-78).

Sugar Bears, The - From Super Sugar Crisp commercial(s) (1970s). Thanks to Norm Wilson for this one.

Suggs, Marvin - See The Amazing Marvin Suggs and his Muppaphone

Sulky Boys, The - From the animated TV show All Grown Up (11/29/03). Another BBB (boring boy band) featured briefly in the "Tweenage Tycoons" episode of this Rugrats spinoff. The foursome charge $100 per ticket, so the grown-up Rugrats invent fishbowl belts to make the money. The Sulky Boys, who wear shirts that spell out SULK across their backs, are bland, inoffensive, and onscreen for a couple of seconds. Just long enough to merit a Rocklopedia Fakebandica entry, but not long enough to merit a very good entry.Thanks to Alan Benson and Caitie for this one. See also Emica.

Summers, Stella - From the movie The Devil and Max Devlin (1981). Title character Max Devlin (Elliot Gould) gets hit by a busful of Hari Krishnas and goes to Hell. Hell's Souls Manager Barney Satin (Bill Cosby) cuts him a deal- get three fresh souls to sign their souls to Satan in two months and Max gets his life back. In true demonic tradition, one of his targets is a struggling singer. Stella Summers (Julia Budd) is a struggling nobody with zero stage presence trying out at the kind of big, lush, well-attended open mic night that only exists in movies. Max's new powers enable him to give her weak warble the full 70's Barbra Streisand/Karen Carpenter treatment. Audience member and Blizzard Records A&R man Jerry Nadler (Charles Shamata) his suitably wowed, and soon her new self-titled debut album is number 28 and she's out on tour playing to 25,000 people every night. Yet she finds fame a bit hollow and lonely, and reveals she's really from square-ass Brooklyn and not super cool hippie Topanga Canyon like she said (say what?). She also reveals her real name *gasp* is... Stephanie Pepper. NOOOOOAARRGGHH...wait. What's wrong with that name? Max finally secures her signature just before her song "Any Fool Can See" (music by Marvin Hamlisch, lyrics by Allee Willis) wins a Grammy! When Max has a change of heart and burns the three signed contracts, you get to see Bill Cosby in full demon get-up, complete with goat legs and horns, bellowing about pain, pain, pain! Stella makes an onstage announcement that she's quitting the biz to spend time with her family- yeah, that claims more promising rock star careers than drugs, doesn't it? Max gets off scott-free, being redeemed by his act of burning the contracts, and God being apparently able to afford better lawyers then Satan.

Sundheimer, Reinhart "Renne" - From The Soloist (novel by Mark Salzman), 1994.

Super Bwoing - An animated superhero screw-up who flew around on a flying electric guitar when he wasn't goofing off playing it. From the DePatie-Freleng produced show, The Super 6 (1966). He wasn't actually part of The Super 6, but had his own separate segment. Voiced by Charles Smith.

Surreptitious Fabric, The - From Soul Music (novel by Terry Pratchett), 1995.

Sushi K - From Snow Crash (novel by Neal Stephenson), 1992. Thanks to Austin Loomis for this one.

Sven Helstrom and the Swedish Rhythm Kings - Horribly square polka band in The Monkees pilot, "Here Come the Monkees." A hip, with-it teenager's nightmare, they play "Goodnight Sweetheart" to a much bored Vanessa Russell at her sweet 16 party. The Monkees perform afterward to the delight of teens and horror of parents.

Sven Klangs Combo / Sven Klangs Kvintett - From the movie Sven Klangs Combo (1976). Thanks to Kim Newman for this one.

Swanky Modes, The - Real-life sixties R&B legends Sam Moore and Junior Walker played brothers Billy Diamond and Lester Diamond, members of a legendary sixties R&B duo fallen on hard, modern times. Main characters, music video makers, and big fans Josh Tager (Tim Robbins) and Ivan Alexeev (John Cusack) try to revive their career. From the 1988 comedy Tapeheads. See also Cube Squared, Ranchbone and The Blender Children.

Sweeney Sisters, The - The 80s Saturday Night Live lounge singers (see Nick the lounge singer and The Culps). Candy (Jan Hooks) and Liz (Nora Dunn) were the two dim-witted, medley-singing, big-haired sisters. The first sketch featuring these characters aired in 1986.

Sweet Sue and her Society Syncopators - From the classic 1959 comedy, Some Like It Hot. Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon) are two down-on-their-luck musicians who accidentally witness the legendary 1929 Chicago St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Fleeing da mob, they hide out in drag as "Josephine" (sax) and "Daphne" (violin) with this all female jazz orchestra on a train to Florida. Sweet Sue was played by Joan Shawlee. The band's singer ("I Wanna Be Loved By You," "I'm Through With Love") is Sugar Kane, played by the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Thanks to Charles for this one.

Sweet, Toots - From the movie Angel Heart (1987). Played by Brownie McGhee. Rest of his band played by: Sugar Blue, Pinetop Perkins, Deacon John Moore, Richard Payne, W. Alonzo Stewart, Lillian Boutte. Thanks to Rob Terrell for this one.

Swerdlow, Old - From the TV show Mr. Show (11/10/95). Thanks to brock ellis for this one.

Swinging Android, The - The frankenstinian creation of Dr. Mendoza (John Hoyt) in the "I Was a Teenage Monster" episode (01/16/67) of The Monkees. However, the monster android (Richard Kiel) can only sing "goorah!" (an old Transylvanian folk song). So, the doctor naturally is forced to steal The Monkees' musical talent and transfer it into the monster. You know, with science. After the obligatory running around while the song plays montage, the Monkees get their talent back.

Swinging Corporate Raiders, The - See The Permanent Waves

Syrup, Maple - From the TV show Mr. Show ().

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