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Migraine is a band mentioned in Canadian-American author Gordon Korman's 1980 teen novel Who is Bugs Potter?. They are also mentioned in the 1983 sequel Bugs Potter: LIVE at Nickaninny.

Migraine is Bugs' all-time favourite band.

Their songs include:

  • Rocky Rooms
  • Hats Off to Aspirin

Bugs turned in surprise. "Didn’t I mention it?"

"Mention what?" asked Adam suspiciously.

"Migraine is in town. They're at a little club called The Snake Pit just a block down from Dante's. Endomorph told me about it last night."

"You want to go there?" Adam was horrified.

"Of course! Migraine! They're my favourite group!"

"I thought Endomorph was your favourite group," said Adam sourly.

"They're great too, bugs agreed serenely. But Migraine – wow! Just think, we're going to get to see Migraine!"
