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The Dale Gribble Bluegrass Experience

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From "The Bluegrass is Always Greener" episode of animated show King of the Hill (24 Feb. 2002).

Pre-teen violin prodigy Kahn "Kahnie" Souphanousinphone (voiced by Lauren Tom), takes a break from her tedious classical exercises to jam in the alley with Hank Hill's (voiced by Mike Judge) acoustic guitar playing on some bluegrass tunes. It's so fun, Hank's beer swilling buddies join up and they form a garage bluegrass band. Mush-mouthed Boomhauer (voiced by Mike Judge) reveals a previously hidden ability to play the banjo and actually sing (singing voice done by country star Vince Gill) on the Bill Monroe classic "Blue Moon of Kentucky." Dale Gribble (Johnny Hardwick) plays bass on his electronic keyboard and Bill Dauterive (voiced by Stephen Root) chips in on washboard.

Hank thinks they're pretty good—Branson good, even—and enters them to compete in the 15th Annual Old Time Fiddle Festival. Kahnie ditches her Fort Worth audition for the boring ole Van Cliburn Summer Orchestra to hit the road with Hank and co. In Branson, Hank turns into as demanding a taskmaster as Kahnie's dad and sucks all the fun out of the outing, so Kahnie bolts before the contest with Hank's son, Bobby (Pamela Segall). Hank has to go after her, leaving the band two members short. Dale tricks real country legend Charlie Daniels (playing himself) into replacing Kahnie on fiddle. Hank and Kahn (voiced by Toby Huss) find their kids busking for bus fare to Appalachia, and reconcile.